Streets Department

The Street Department maintains approximately 31 miles of streets which are patched, swept, crack filled and seal coated during the summer months. The streets are cleared of ice and snow and slippery areas are salted and sanded during the winter months. Stormwater is carried off the streets through a complex system of inlets, pipes, ditches and detention ponds. Traffic signals, stop signs and street signs are also maintained. The fleet of construction equipment, trucks and City vehicles necessary for the maintenance of the infrastructure system is maintained by the staff within the street department.

Listed below are the areas the Street Department is responsible for:

  • Emergency Response - Flash Flooding and Storm Damage Cleanup
  • Painting - Line Striping, Curb Painting, and School Crossing
  • Parking Lot Maintenance
  • Road Grading
  • Street Signs - Maintenance and Replacement
  • Snow Removal – Sand/Salt Streets
  • Spring Cleanup
  • Storm Sewer Collections – Cleaning Catch Basins and Televisions Inspections
  • Street Maintenance and Reconstruction - Pothole Repair, General Concrete Street Repairs, and Crack Sealing
  • Street Sweeping
  • Trees - Trimming and Removals


Get in Touch

Location: 424 E Hamilton Street

Hours: Monday - Friday; 7AM - 3:30PM

Questions regarding street maintenance or snow plowing can be directed to Kyle Anderson, Streets, Water & Sanitary Collection Superintendent, via phone at (641)-394-2189 or (641)-330-0609, or by email at

Winter Operations

Dumping of Snow

New Hampton residents are reminded that it is unlawful for any person(s) to throw, push or place or cause to be thrown, pushed or placed, any snow, ice, and accumulations from private property, sidewalks, or driveways onto the traveled way of streets (public highway, street, avenue, alley, or sidewalk) so as to obstruct gutters or impede the passage of vehicles upon the street or to create a hazardous condition therein.

Duty of Property Owner

It is the responsibility of abutting property owners to remove snow and ice from sidewalks within 24-hours after a weather event or other cause of the accumulation has ended.

Failure of Property Owner

Any property owner who fails to remove snow, ice, or accumulations within a reasonable time after snowfall may be assessed the cost of removing the snow, ice, or accumulations by the City of New Hampton who, after attempting to notify the adjoining property owner, may cause the snow, ice, or accumulations to be removed.

Stormwater Utility

What is storm water run-off and why do we treat it?

Storm water run-off is generated from rain or melting snow that flows across land or impervious surface instead of seeping into the ground.  As it flows, run off can pick up and carry substances that pollute water.  These substances include chemicals such as pesticides, fertilizers, oil, etc. as well as natural material like sediment, bacteria, leaves and garbage.  In developed areas, precipitation falling on impervious surfaces like roofs, driveways and parking lots does not seep into the ground, it runs off.  Polluted storm water runoff is the major cause of water pollution.

It shall be unlawful for any person to throw or deposit on any street any glass, glass bottle, nails, tacks, wire, cans, trash, garbage, rubbish, litter, offal, gasoline, oil, other combustible materials, grass clippings, leaves or any other debris, or any other substance likely to injure any person, animal or vehicle. Grass clippings and other debris can cause clogging in the storm drainage system, ultimately allowing flooding to occur during rain events. Residents are required to blow grass clippings or other debris back towards the yard if in the street or could face a simple misdemeanor.

Stormwater Utility with X