Wastewater Department

The City of New Hampton operates a Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) designed to treat municipal waste water. The effluent is collected through a series of pipes totaling approximately 30 miles and has four lift stations.

The current wastewater treatment plant was constructed in the mid-1960s as a trickling filter wastewater treatment facility. The 1963 construction took an existing site with sludge drying beds and constructed the trickling filter facility with grit removal, primarily clarification, a trickling filter, final clarification, a sludge digester and sludge drying beds.

IN 1973, a second digester, a clariflotator clarifier for industrial wastewater, and an intermediate clarifier were added to the wastewater treatment plant. A new final clarifier was constructed and the original final clarifier was converted into a second intermediate clarifier. Two new trickling filters were constructed, converting the original trickling filter into a roughing filter. Two polishing ponds were also installed.

In 1989, a second final clarifier was constructed along with a new primary sludge pump station. In 1991, one of the existing sludge drying beds was abandoned and a sludge storage tank was constructed.

In 1998, the polishing pond No. 2 was converted into an equalization pond. The drains, media and distributors were replaced in both trickling filters. A new primary clarifier was constructed and the existing primary clarifier was converted into a sludge thickener. Repairs were made to the intermediate clarifier No. 1. A new influent structure with a flume and an overflow weir was constructed, along with a new flow equalization return pump station. Finally, the last existing sludge drying bed was abandoned and a new office and lab were constructed on its location.

The last improvement project on the facility was constructed in 2008. It included a new grinder pump and a new electrical room in the influent raw pump station. It also included new pumping stations at the intermediate clarifiers, final clarifiers and roughing filters. The City of New Hampton is currently in the planning stages for a new wastewater treatment plant, which is outlined in the approved 2023 Facility Plan. See below.


Facility Plan - Final - 2023

WWTP Antidegradation Alternatives Analysis Plan 2024



Get in Touch

West Union Wastewater Department Exterior

Location: 800 S Locust Avenue

Hours: Monday - Friday from 7:00a.m. - 3:30p.m.

Questions regarding the WWTF can be directed to the Chris Even, Interim Wastewater Superintendent, via phone at (641)-394-6654 or by email at nhwwtp@iowatelecom.net.

Questions regarding the sanitary sewer collection system can be directed to the Nick Henningsen, Water & Sanitary Collection Superintendent, via phone at (641)-394-4894 or (641)-557-8744 or nhh20@iowatelecom.net.

The wastewater treatment plant was designed with the following design parameters:

Average Dry Weather Flow (ADW) 1.32 mgd
Average Wet Weather Flow (AWW) 2.20 mgd
Maximum Wet Weather Flow (MWW) 3.00 mgd
Biological Loading – BOD5 12,300 lbs./day
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) Loading 362 lbs./day

Flow in excess of the MWW Flow of 3.00 mgd is sent to the equalization pond until it can be pumped back through the treatment facility.

The average daily flow at the wastewater treatment plant is in the original design range of 1.32 mgd to 2.20 mgd.

Do not flush these down the toilet: Paper Towels designed for absorbency. Will not break down. Flushable wipes are not flushable. Facil tissues/napkins are soft, silky surface makes them harder to dissolve. Flushing anything besides toilet paper can result in blockages and expensive home plumbing problems.
Proper Disposal of Fats, Oils & Grease: Will help keep our utility cost down. Its' a Fact... the more foods, fats, oils, and grease we put down the drain or through the garbage disposal, the more impact they wil have on our sewer lines and wastewater treatment system. So remember, if you can scrape it from your plate, don't grind it in your garage disposal, and you will keep the wastewater process running smoothly.