City Council Minutes | April 1, 2024 (Public Hearing)

Council Chambers
April 1, 2024 7:00 pm


4/1/24 Audio

The City Council of the City of New Hampton met in special session in the Council Chambers at 112 East Spring Street, New Hampton Iowa at 7:00 p.m. Monday, April 1, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Geerts at 7:00 p.m. Council members present were Speltz, Denner, Fisher, Humpal, Larsen and Porath. Also in attendance were Tim Pederson, Casey Mai, Tammy Robinson, City Attorney Todd Prichard, Bob Fenske, Jake Hackman, Tony Trower, Chip Schwickerath and Darlene Schwickerath.

Moved by Porath, seconded by Denner; that the agenda be approved as presented. Ayes – Six. Nays – None. Absent – None. Motion carried.


Mayor Geerts announced now is the time and place fixed for the public hearing on the proposed Consolidated General Fund Levy proposed for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025. The Council investigated and found that the time and the place of the hearing had in accordance with the law and as directed by the City Council been published in the New Hampton Tribune on the 28th day of February 2024 in New Hampton, Chickasaw County.

Mayor Geerts asked for oral comments. Chip & Darlene Schwickerath asked about the changes to FICA, IPERS and Employee Benefits. It was explained that the levy increase is due to the increase in employee wages, the cost of health insurance increasing and maintaining the employee benefits balance. Schwickeraths also asked if they could expect this increase for future years. The council explained with the change in rollbacks and valuations it is hard to know what will change from year to year.

Mayor Geerts asked for written comments. There were none.

Moved by Larsen, seconded by Humpal; That Resolution No. 6623 A Resolution Approving the Consolidated General Fund Levy for the City’s Proposed Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget, by approved. Ayes – Speltz, Denner, Fisher, Humpal, Larsen, Porath. Nays – None. Absent – None. Resolution approved.

Moved by Speltz, seconded by Denner; that the meeting adjourn at 7:24 p.m. Ayes – Six. Nays – None. Absent – None. Motion carried.



ATTEST: Courtney Lechtenberg, City Clerk

Steve Geerts, Mayor