City Council Minutes | December 16, 2024

Council Chambers
December 16, 2024 7:00 pm


The City Council of the City of New Hampton met in regular session in the Council Chambers at 112 East Spring Street, New Hampton Iowa at 7:00 p.m. Monday, December 16, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Geerts at 7:00 p.m. Council members present were Denner, Fisher, Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz. Also in attendance were Casey Mai, Tammy Robinson and Bob Fenske.


  1. Approve meeting agenda
  2. Approve City Council Minutes of November 18, 2024.
  3. Approve City Claims of $129,613.11
  4. Fire Department Minutes of December 2, 2024
  5. Park & Rec Board Minutes December 5, 2024
  6. Class C Retail Alcohol License: Kenny’s Tavern Jan 1, 2025
  7. Finance Reports


 GENERAL $88,642.70 $126,478.67
 ROAD USE TAX $41,658.38 $34,438.41
 SPECIAL REV/EMPLOYEE BEN $20,525.33 $18,676.79
 SELF INSURANCE FUND $8,262.70 $7,215.02
 LOCAL OPTION TAX $42,896.55 $0.00
 HOTEL/ MOTEL TAX $4,939.28 $1,472.36
 HOTEL/ MOTEL TAX CAP RES $1,673.67 $0.00
 TIF- INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL $49,366.55 $56.96
 DEBT SERVICE $4,624.79 $4,335.00
 CAPITAL PROJECTS $2,388.84 $17,530.29
 WATER UTILITY $85,870.79 $28,353.21
 SEWER UTILITY $91,763.93 $39,151.13
 SOLID WASTE $24,336.06 $35,169.01
 CUSTOMER DEPOSITS $1,724.00 $1,731.00
 PERPETUAL CARE $75.00 $0.00
 TOTAL $488,966.57 $315,377.68



























Moved by Larsen, seconded by Speltz; that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented.  Ayes – Six. Nays – None. Absent – None.  Motion carried.


The final pay request for Wick’s Construction for Tribe Trail Phase is $120,870.57.  This amount does not include the lights for the crossing on South Linn Ave; staff is continuing to work on that portion of the project.


Moved by Larsen, seconded by Fisher; That RESOLUTION No. 6695 A RESOLUTION APPROVING PAYMENT #3 – FINAL IN THE AMOUNT OF $120,870.57 TO WICK’S CONSTRUCTION INC FOR THE TRIBE TRAIL PHASE III PROJECT, be approved. Ayes – Denner, Fisher, Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz. Nays – None.  Absent – None.  Resolution approved.


PWD Casey Mai informed the Council that he received notice that the IDOT has offered to replace or rehabilitate the bridge on East Spring Street.  The City of New Hampton will be responsible for engineering design and development, right-of-way, and inspection costs. The City of New Hampton needs to confirm our acceptance to be included for the project.


Moved by Fisher, seconded by Speltz; To direct Public Works Director Casey Mai to accept the offer of City Bridge Funding for the East Spring Street bridge and return the necessary documentation to the Iowa Department of Transportation, be approved.  Ayes – Six.  Nays – None.  Absent – None.  Motion carried.


City Attorney Todd Prichard arrived at 7:08 pm.


PWD Casey Mai received preliminary information regarding the west industrial park storm water issues.  Mai is concerned that the intended location for the relocation of the storm water line from 515 Bailey Avenue does not have adequate fall and will not displace the water as intended. The engineer has provided a preliminary estimate of $30,000 to have the survey, modeling and analysis completed. Council members requested additional information and requested the engineer present more information at a future City Council meeting. Mai will reach out to the engineer and request their attendance at a meeting in the near future.


The New Hampton Fire Department Chief, Toby Schwickerath, provided an updated Chickasaw County Firefighters Mutual Aid Agreement. The approval of this agreement will replace a 1997 Mutual Aid Agreement.  Moved by Porath, seconded by Fisher; That RESOLUTION No. 6696 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CHICKASAW COUNTY FIREFIGHTING MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2025, be approved.  Ayes – Denner, Fisher, Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz. Nays – None.  Absent – None.  Resolution approved.


The Committee as a Whole met at 5:30 pm to discuss several proposed capital projects. No action was taken as a result of this meeting but the Council has scheduled another Committee Meeting for January 6, 2025 to possibly finalize the projects and funding sources.


City Clerk Karen Clemens updated the Council on the following items:

  1. Staff is working on the storm water issue along the west property line of Mikkelson Park and the easements associated with this project.
  2. Staff is waiting to meet with Josh Mack, property owner of 13 West Main Street, regarding the deterioration of the north wall of the building.
  3. The boiler in the Community Center/City Hall is showing signs of deterioration and is requiring additional maintenance to ensure the building is adequately heating. Clemens is informing the Council that a major repair of the heating system may be needed.
  4. Staff is the process of getting the property at 341 South Chestnut sold to the New Hampton Industrial Corporation with the intention of adding a residential house on the property.


Moved by Denner, seconded by Speltz; that the meeting adjourn at 7:58 pm. Ayes – Six. Nays – None. Absent – None.  Motion carried.



ATTEST: Karen Clemens, City Clerk

Steve Geerts, Mayor