The City Council of the City of New Hampton met in regular session in the Council Chambers at 112 East Spring Street, New Hampton Iowa at 7:00 p.m. Monday, February 19, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Geerts at 7:00 p.m. Council members present were Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz and Denner. Fisher was absent. Also in attendance were Tim Pederson, Casey Mai, Kristi Pederson, City Attorney Todd Prichard, Marlys Uglum, Tara Hackman, Don Mai Jr, Tim Angell, Bill & Mary Prouty, Kelly O’Donnell, Cory Mc Donald and several NHHS students.
Approve meeting agenda:
1. Approve meeting agenda
2. Approve City Council Minutes of February 5, 2024
3. Approve City Claims of $43,911.72
4. Library Board Minutes of February 6, 2024
5. Park & Rec Board Minutes of February 7, 2024
6. Department Head Minutes of February 6, 2024
7. January 2024 Finance Reports
Moved by Larsen, seconded by Porath; that the consent agenda be approved as presented. Ayes – Five. Nays – None. Absent – Fisher. Motion carried.
Mayor Geerts announced now is the time and place fixed for the public hearing for the purpose of the sale of city owned property. The legal description of the property is as follows:
Commencing at a point 628.74 feet South the Southwest corner of Lot One of Block Three of Tank’s Second Addition to New Hampton, Iowa, thence South to the former Right of Way line of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, thence Southeasterly along said Right of Way line to a steel survey post, thence East 144 feet, thence North to a point directly opposite the point of beginning, thence West to the point of beginning, all in the SW¼ of the SE¼ of Section 7, Township 95 North, Range 12 West of the 5th P.M., therein after known as: Parcel 2023-43 in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 7, Township 95 North, Range 12 West of the 5th P.M., Chickasaw County, Iowa, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the South Quarter Corner of said Section; Thence North 87˚52’03” East, 295.55 feet along the South Line of said Section to the Southeasterly Corner of Parcel Y, as recorded in Document #2000-2126, on file in the Chickasaw County Recorder’s Office, New Hampton, Iowa and the Point of Beginning; Thence North 34˚11’45” West, 150.16 feet; Thence North 40˚09’15” West, 9.82 feet, both along the Easterly Line of said Parcel Y to the Southeast Corner of Parcel 2021-66, as recorded in Document #2021-2509, on file in the Chickasaw County Recorder’s Office, New Hampton, Iowa; Thence North 00˚22’26” West, 134.02 feet along the Easterly Line of said Parcel 2021-66 to the Southwest Corner of Lot A of 7, Block 1, Tank’s Third Addition to the City of New Hampton; Thence North 89˚06’13” East, 189.93 feet along the South Line of said Lot A of 7 to the Northwest Corner of Parcel CC, as recorded in Document #2002-2152, on file in the Chickasaw County Recorder’s Office, New Hampton, Iowa; Thence South 01˚04’05” East, 264.90 feet along the West Line of said Parcel CC and the Southerly Extension thereof to the South Line of said Quarter-Quarter Section; Thence South 87˚52’03” West, 103.32 feet along said South Line to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1.03 Acre(s), subject to any easements recorded or unrecorded
The Council investigated and found that the time and the place of the hearing had in accordance with the law and as directed by the City Council been published in the New Hampton Tribune on the 8th day of February 2024 in New Hampton in Chickasaw County.
The Mayor called for any oral objections. There were none.
The Mayor called for any written objections. There were none.
Mayor Geerts declared the meeting closed.
Moved by Larsen, seconded by Humpal; That Resolution No. 6614 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE QUIT CLAIM DEED FOR CITY OWNED PROPERTY, be approved. Ayes – Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner. Nays – None. Absent – Fisher. Resolution approved.
Mayor Geerts announced now is the time and place fixed for the public hearing for the purpose of the sale of city owned property. The description of the property is as follows:
That portion of East Gardner Street between Locust Avenue and Spring Creek, excluding the approximately 150’ east of the dead end road of Gardner Ave.
The Council investigated and found that the time and the place of the hearing had in accordance with the law and as directed by the City Council been published in the New Hampton Tribune on the 8th day of February 2024 in New Hampton in Chickasaw County.
The Mayor called for any oral objections. Bill Prouty requested the Council divide the proposed property (.531 acre) into three parcels and accept bids for each of the three parcels.
The Mayor called for any written objections. There was one written objection, also from Bill & Mary Prouty, requesting the property be divided into 3 parcels.
Mayor Geerts declared the hearing closed.
Moved by Larsen, seconded by Denner; That Resolution No. 6615 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SALE OF CITY OWNED PROPERTY AS A SINGLE PARCEL OPENING SEALED BIDS ON MONDAY, MARCH 4, 2024, be approved. Ayes – Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner. Nays – None. Absent – Fisher. Resolution approved.
PWD Mai presented a proposed agreement with Calhoun Burns & Associates for annual bridge inspections. The fee for routine Visual Inspection and Reporting is $750.00. Moved by Porath, seconded by Speltz; That Resolution No. 6616 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH CALHOUN BURNS & ASSOCIATES FOR 2024 BRIDGE INSPECTION, be approved. Ayes – Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner. Nays – None. Absent – Fisher. Resolution approved.
City Clerk Karen Clemens requested to set a public hearing date for the Combined General Fund Tax Levy.
This resolution is part of the budgeting process required by the State of Iowa; this is the first of two public hearings.
Moved by Speltz, seconded by Porath; That Resolution No. 6617 A RESOLUTION TO SET A DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FY2024-2025 COMBINED GENERAL FUND LEVY TAX REQUEST, be approved. Ayes – Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner. Nays – None. Absent – Fisher. Resolution approved.
PWD Mai requested the replacement of a grinder pump needed for the WWTP. This piece of equipment needs to be replaced immediately and it will be utilized during and after construction of the plant renovations. Moved by Larsen, seconded by Speltz; That Resolution No. 6618 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF A GRINDER PUMP IN THE AMOUNT OF $40,074.28 FOR THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT, be approved. Ayes – Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner. Nays – None. Absent – Fisher. Resolution approved.
The Chickasaw County Sheriff provided the proposed Communications Agreement between the City of New Hampton and Chickasaw County for Communication services. The county has requested $60,551 for FY 2024-2025, a 10% increase from the current fiscal year. Moved by Porath, seconded by Denner; That Resolution No. 6619 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH CHICKASAW COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE FOR DISPATCHING SERVICES FOR THE FY2024-2025, be approved. Ayes – Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner. Nays – None. Absent – Fisher. Resolution approved.
City Attorney Prichard informed the council that the trial for the Precision Lawsuit is scheduled for June, 2024.
Moved by Denner, seconded by Speltz; that the meeting adjourn at 7:32 p.m. Ayes – Five. Nays – None. Absent – Fisher. Motion carried.