City Council Minutes | February 20, 2023

Council Chambers
February 20, 2023 7:00 pm


The City Council of the City of New Hampton met in regular session in the Council Chambers at 112 East Spring Street, New Hampton Iowa at 7:00 p.m. Monday, February 20, 2023. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Schwickerath at 7:00 p.m. Council members present were McDonald, Speltz, Daly, Denner and Fisher. Humpal was absent. Also in attendance were Casey Mai, NHHS students and boy scouts and City Attorney Todd Prichard.

Moved by McDonald, seconded by Fisher; That the consent agenda be approved. Ayes – Five. Nays – None. Absent –Humpal. Motion carried.

1. Approve meeting agenda
2. Approve City Council Minutes of February 6, 2023
3. Approve City Claims of $79,578.57
4. Department Head Minutes of February 7, 2023
5. Hiring Committee Minutes of February 6, 2023
6. Park & Rec Minutes of February 9, 2023
7. Library Minutes of February 7, 2023
8. Floyd Mitchell Chickasaw Landfill Agenda 2-14-23
9. Class B Retail Alcohol License – Dollar General #2397, 807 North Linn Ave.
10. Chickasaw County Conservation Board Request to sell Firewood
11. Board of Adjustment – Kahn Tile Request
12. Finance Reports

GENERAL $69,643.32 $243,692.04
ROAD USE TAX $34,725.44 $36,001.56
SPECIAL REV/EMPLOYEE BEN $9,439.68 $30,359.93
LOCAL OPTION TAX $47,334.34 $0.00
HOTEL/ MOTEL TAX $0.00 $5,000.00
CAPITAL PROJECTS $66,662.78 $7,665.14
WATER UTILITY $100,378.62 $18,821.43
SEWER UTILITY $66,847.69 $52,587.77
SOLID WASTE $13,082.73 $25,406.72
CUSTOMER DEPOSITS $2,065.00 $1,495.00
TOTAL $436,044.84 $421,029.59


Mayor Schwickerath announced now is the time and place fixed for the public hearing on the proposed Maximum Property Tax Dollars Levy proposed for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024. The Council investigated and found that the time and the place of the hearing had in accordance with the law and as directed by the City Council been published in the New Hampton Tribune on the 9th day of February 2023 in New Hampton, Chickasaw County.

Mayor Schwickerath asked for oral comments. There were none.
Mayor Schwickerath asked for written comments. There were none.

Mayor Schwickerath declared the hearing closed.

Moved by Denner, seconded by Daly; That Resolution No. 6558 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE MAXIMUM TAX DOLLARS FROM CERTAIN LEVIES FOR THE CITY’S PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 BUDGET, be approved. Ayes – McDonald, Speltz, Daly, Denner, Fisher. Nays – None. Absent – Humpal. Resolution approved.

City Clerk Karen Clemens informed the council that the State of Iowa has approved a bill that will change the valuation amounts effective January 1, 2022 which changes our proposed 23/24 budget. Once the valuations are updated Clemens will share with the council on how it will affect our property tax revenues. The State of Iowa has approved the due date of FY23/24 budgets to April 30, 2023. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Speltz; That Resolution No. 6559 A RESOLUTION SETTING DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON APRIL 3, 2023 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2023/2024 BUDGET, be approved:
Ayes – McDonald, Speltz, Daly, Denner, Fisher. Nays – None. Absent – Humpal. Resolution approved.

Moved by Denner, seconded by Speltz; That Resolution No. 6560 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A 2023 BRIDGE INSPECTION AGREEMENT WITH CALHOUN-BURNS & ASSOCIATES, INC., be approved. Ayes – McDonald, Speltz, Daly, Denner, Fisher. Nays – None. Absent – Humpal. Resolution approved.

PWD Mai shared with the council that 293 of the lead water line surveys have been completed, 17.45%. He is hopeful more property owners will complete the survey in the coming months.

Moved by Fisher, seconded by Daly; That the meeting adjourn at 7:21 p.m. Ayes – Five. Nays – None. Absent –Humpal. Motion carried.



ATTEST: Karen Clemens, City Clerk

Robert Schwickerath, Mayor