City Council Minutes | January 20, 2025

Council Chambers
January 20, 2025 7:00 pm


The City Council of the City of New Hampton met in regular session in the Council Chambers at 112 East Spring Street, New Hampton Iowa at 7:00 p.m. Monday, January 20, 2025. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Geerts at 7:00 p.m. Council members present were Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner and Fisher. Humpal was absent. Also in attendance were City Attorney Todd Prichard, Conrad Rosendahl, Casey Mai, Tammy Robinson, Tara Hackman, Amanda Webb with Hacker Nelson & Co CPA’s, Becky Schwab with SEH Inc., Kerstin Schwickerath and Bob Fenske.


  1. Approve meeting agenda
  2. Approve City Council Minutes of January 6, 2024.
  3. Approve City Claims of $98,016.69
  4. Committee as a Whole Minutes January 6, 2025
  5. Department Head Minutes January 7, 2025
  6. Fire Department Minutes January 6, 2025
  7. Tobacco Device Retailer Permit: New Hampton Mart, 17 West Main, NH
  8. Finance Reports


 GENERAL $109,317.16 $232,296.09
 ROAD USE TAX $40,242.29 $44,365.07
 SPECIAL REV/EMPLOYEE BEN $10,324.02 $18,631.28
 SELF INSURANCE FUND $9,400.44 $5,141.45
 LOCAL OPTION TAX $42,697.28 $0.00
 HOTEL/ MOTEL TAX $4,016.40 $2,646.43
 HOTEL/ MOTEL TAX CAP RES $1,353.14 $0.00
 TIF- INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL $11,418.84 $144,503.79
 HOUSING REHAB. GRANT $12,202.28 $0.00
 DEBT SERVICE $1,092.92 $1,000.00
 ROADS CAPITAL PROJECTS $12,267.90 $10.00
 CAPITAL PROJECTS $111,393.02 $207,162.24
 WATER UTILITY $89,809.86 $217,541.79
 SEWER UTILITY $96,452.37 $77,212.37
 SOLID WASTE $41,661.36 $34,564.99
 CAPITAL PROJECTS-WATER $186,079.24 $5.00
 CUSTOMER DEPOSITS $632.00 $1,944.67
 TOTAL $793,965.31 $992,416.45


Moved by Larsen, seconded by Fisher; that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented.  Ayes – Five. Nays – None. Absent – Humpal.  Motion carried.


Amanda Webb, from Hacker Nelson & Co CPA’s presented the City of New Hampton’s FY2024 final audit report. Moved by Denner, seconded by Speltz; That the FY2023/2024 audit for the City of New Hampton be approved and filed with the Iowa State Auditor’s office. Ayes – Five. Nays – None. Absent – Humpal.  Motion carried.



Becky Schwab with SEH, Inc., was in attendance to present a cost proposal to reroute the storm sewer near the properties of 425 & 515 Bailey Avenue.  Schwab explained that they have a couple options for the storm water runoff and that the engineering study should assist in determining the most advantageous route. The estimate for their engineering services is $31,300.  After a lengthy discussion, it was moved by Porath, seconded by Fisher; That Resolution No. 6701 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AN ENGINEERING AGREEMENT WITH SEH INC. FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR A STORM WATER CAPACITY ANALYSIS, be approved. Ayes- Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner, Fisher. Nays – None.  Absent – Humpal.  Resolution approved.


As a result of the additional Tax Increment Financing (TIF) funds being distributed to the City of New Hampton in fiscal year 2025, the City Council needs to pass a resolution certifying these additional funds necessary from the Chickasaw County Auditor. Moved by Speltz, seconded by Larsen;  That Resolution No. 6702 Resolution Directing THE City Clerk to Certify Tax Increment Financing Debt to the Chickasaw County Auditor, be approved. Ayes- Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner, Fisher. Nays – None.  Absent – Humpal.  Resolution approved.


Park & Recreation Director, Tara Hackman, presented a quote from Carrico Aquatic Resources Inc. to replace the two filters at the swimming pool. Hackman has requested financial support from the Council for this purchase but needs Council approval to place the order for the filters so installation can occur before the pool opens this summer.  Moved by Larsen, seconded by Speltz;  That Resolution No. 6703 Resolution APPROVING THE QUOTE OF CARRICO AQUATIC RESOURCES INC. FOR THE SWIMMING POOL FILTER REPLACEMENT PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $105,000, be approved. Ayes- Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner, Fisher. Nays – None.  Absent – Humpal.  Resolution approved.


The Chickasaw County Sheriff’s department is requesting approval for dispatching services agreement between the Chickasaw County and the City of New Hampton for the Fiscal Year 2025-2026.The dispatching services fee was increased from $60,551 to $62,892, a 3.72% increase. Chief Conrad Rosendahl commented that he appreciates the cooperation between the police department and the sheriff’s department and is supportive of paying the fee for the dispatching agreement. Moved by Speltz, seconded by Porath;  That Resolution No. 6704 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH CHICKASAW COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE FOR DISPATCHING SERVICES FOR Fiscal Year 2025/2026, be approved. Ayes- Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner, Fisher. Nays – None.  Absent – Humpal.  Resolution approved.


Public Works Director Casey Mai received a request from New Hampton Cabinetry owner, Adam Underwood, to purchase city right of way.  The area being requested is a vacated area of North Broadway Avenue, adjoining the existing railroad tracks.  Mai explained that a portion adjacent to this area was vacated several years ago and that he is in favor of vacating this portion.  Mai’s only concern is that the needed easements are established.  Underwood will be responsible for all associated fees for the transfer of property. Moved by Fisher, seconded by Porath; That Resolution No. 6705 A RESOLUTION APPROVING SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR FEBRUARY 17, 2025 FOR THE VACATING OF CITY RIGHT OF WAY, be approved. Ayes- Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner, Fisher. Nays – None.  Absent – Humpal.  Resolution approved.


City Clerk Karen Clemens shared that the fiscal year audit for the Floyd Mitchell Chickasaw County Landfill  is complete and a copy is on file at City Hall.


Clemens also reported that a New Hampton fireman was responding to a fire call on January 20, 2025 and was injured on city property.  Fire Chief Toby Schwickerath will file an incident report.


City Attorney Todd Prichard requested a status update on the storm water runoff problem in Mikkelson Park including adjoining property owners. Staff is working on getting easements developed and signed.


Kalista Porath shared her appreciation for Katie Fisher and her commitment to her Council At Large position.  Fisher has resigned her council seat effective January 21, 2025.  The Mayor has been in contact with residents who are interested in the position.


Moved by Fisher, seconded by Porath; that the meeting adjourn at 8:25 pm. Ayes – Five. Nays – None. Absent – Humpal.  Motion carried.



ATTEST: Karen Clemens, City Clerk

Steve Geerts, Mayor