City Council Minutes | March 15, 2021


March 15, 2021 7:00 pm


The City Council of the City of New Hampton met in regular session in the Council Chambers at 112 East Spring Street, New Hampton Iowa at 7:00 p.m. Monday, March 15, 2021.The meeting was called to order by Mayor Schwickerath at 7:00 p.m. Council members present were Perkins, Boos, Denner, Diiro and McDonald. Fisher was absent.  Also in attendance were Zach Nosbisch, Casey Mai, Tammy Robinson, Matt Kuhn, Aaron Flugum, Rick Kramer, Jacob Hackman, Bob Fenske and City Attorney Kevin Kennedy.

Moved by Perkins, seconded by Boos; that the agenda be approved as presented. Ayes-Five. Nays-None. Absent–Fisher.  Motion carried.

Moved by Perkins, seconded by Diiro; That the minutes of the regular council meeting of March 1, 2021, be approved. Ayes-Five. Nays-None. Absent–Fisher.  Motion carried.

Moved by Denner, seconded by McDonald; that claims in the amount of $113,687.74 , be approved.  Ayes- Five. Nays – None. Absent –Fisher.  Motion carried.

Mayor Bobby Schwickerath shared with the council an updated agreement from the Chickasaw Ambulance Council (CAC).  The council was concerned about the large increase in the annual fee for Chickasaw Ambulance Service from FY2020-2021 to FY2021-2022 . Mayor Schwickerath shared the increase costs were due to materials cost and payroll. Moved by Perkins, seconded by McDonald; To direct Mayor Schwickerath to sign the agreement for Chickasaw County Ambulance Council and Northeast Iowa, EMS, Inc d/b/a Chickasaw Ambulance Service, effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023, be approved.  Ayes – Perkins, Denner, Diiro, McDonald.  Nay – Boos.  Absent – Fisher.  Motion carried.   Mayor Schwickerath will inform the CAC of the City of New Hampton’s decision.

Mayor Schwickerath requested that the council determine a fair market value for the rent and utilities for the use of the City of New Hampton garage space for the ambulance service.  The total estimated cost of $21,186 includes $1,500.00 monthly rent and monthly utilities of $266.  Moved by Perkins, seconded by Diiro; That the recommendation of $21,186for the annual fee for rental of the north half of the building at 20 South Locust and request Mayor Schwickerath share this recommendation with the Chickasaw County Ambulance council, be approved.  Ayes – Five.  Nay – None. Absent – Fisher.  Motion carried

Rick Kramer, representative of the TRIBE Trail Committee, request the council approve an agreement with SEH, Inc. for Phase III of the TRIBE Trail Project.  Moved by Denner, seconded by Diiro; That Resolution No. 6463  A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH SEH, INC FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR PHASE III OF THE TRIBE TRAIL PROJECT, be approved. Ayes –Perkins, Boos, Denner, Diiro, McDonald.   Nays-None.  Absent – Fisher. Resolution approved.

Moved by Perkins, seconded by McDonald; That the request from Windstream Communications LLC to dig in the right of way for Job #71341200700000 (OSP25490) at 450 Bailey Avenue, be approved. Ayes-Five.  Nays-None.  Absent-Fisher.  Motion carried.

Moved by McDonald, seconded by Boos; That the request from Windstream Communications LLC to dig in the right of way for Job #713492232 (OSP25501), be approved. Ayes-Five.  Nays-None.  Absent-Fisher.  Motion carried.

The Committee as a Whole met at 6:00 pm, prior to the council meeting and determined the water and sewer rates need to be increased.  Public Works Director (PWD) Mai requested that rates increase by at least 2.5% per year.  The City attorney, public works director and city clerk will meet to prepare the appropriate ordinance changes for council approval.

PWD Mai also requested an increase in permit fees, but due to lack of time in the Committee as a Whole meeting, permit fees didn’t get discussed. A committee meeting will be held on April 5, 2021 at 6:00 pm.

Moved by Perkins, seconded by Boos ; To approve the liquor license #LCV92947 for the Locker Room, be approved. Ayes-Five.  Nays-None.  Absent-Fisher.  Motion carried.

Moved by Denner, seconded by Perkins; That the 5K run/walk route for the “Their Fight Is Our Fight” committee on April 30, 2021 from 6:00 – 7:15 pm, be approved. Ayes-Five.  Nays-None.  Absent-Fisher.  Motion carried.

City Attorney Kevin Kennedy reported on the Board of Adjustment hearing held at 5:30 pm for Don Heim.  The board requested Heim to match the new structure with his existing house and he agreed to comply.

 GENERAL $48,368.61 $216,672.25
 ROAD USE TAX $32,128.78 $32,057.40
 SPECIAL REV/EMPLOYEE BEN $86,336.52 $25,714.65
 DEBT SERVICE $786.16 $0.00
 CAPITAL PROJECTS $7,399.00 $18,009.96
 WATER UTILITY $27,018.47 $19,518.41
 SEWER UTILITY $90,682.65 $52,286.11
 SOLID WASTE $8,581.00 $9,453.60
 CAPITAL PROJECTS-SEWER $61,055.92 $0.00
 CUSTOMER DEPOSITS $1,160.00 $2,597.00
 TRUST & AGENCY $108.00 $0.00
 TOTAL $364,073.10 $377,517.53

Moved by Perkins, seconded by Denner ; that the Finance Reports for February 2021, be approved. Ayes – Five. Nays – None. Absent – Fisher.  Motion carried.

Moved by McDonald, seconded by Denner; that the following minutes and correspondence be accepted and place on file.  Ayes – Five. Nays – None. Absent – Fisher.  Motion carried.

Library Board Minutes of March 2, 2021

Department Head Minutes of March 2, 2021

Fire Department Minutes of March 1, 2021

Park & Rec Minutes of March 10, 2021

Moved by Denner, seconded by Perkins; that the meeting adjourn at  7:34 p.m. Ayes – Five. Nays – None. Absent – Fisher.  Motion carried.