City Council Minutes | May 16, 2022

Council Chambers
May 16, 2022 7:00 pm


The City Council of the City of New Hampton met in regular session in the Council Chambers at 112 East Spring Street, New Hampton Iowa at 7:00 p.m. Monday, May 16, 2022. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Schwickerath at 7:00 p.m. Council members present were Fisher, Humpal, Daly and Denner. McDonald was absent. Also in attendance were Zachary Nosbisch, Casey Mai, Megan Baltes, Jamie Ohrt and several NHHS students and City Attorney Todd Prichard

Moved by Daly, seconded by Humpal; That the agenda be approved as amended. Ayes –Four. Nays – None. Absent –McDonald. Motion carried.

Moved by Denner, seconded by Fisher; That the minutes of the regular council meeting of May 2, 2022, be approved. Ayes – Four. Nays – None. Absent –McDonald. Motion carried.

Moved by Fisher, seconded by Daly; That the claims in the amount of $82,973.67 be approved. Ayes – Four. Nays – None. Absent – McDonald. Motion carried.


The City Council investigated and found that notice of the intention of the Council to conduct a public hearing on a the Fiscal Year Budget Amendment 2021/2022 had been published according to law and as directed by the City Council and that this is the time and place at which the Council shall receive oral or written objections from any resident or property owner of the City. Mayor Schwickerath asked for oral comments. There were none. Mayor Schwickerath asked for written comments. There were none. Mayor Schwickerath declared the public hearing closed.

Council Member Denner moved seconded by Council Member Daly that the Resolution No. 6523 entitled RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CURRENT BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2022, be approved. Ayes – Fisher, Humpal, Daly, Denner. Nays – None. Absent – McDonald. Resolution approved.
Mayor Schwickerath requested the council’s approval for the appointment of Jason Speltz to fill the Ward 3 vacancy. Council Member Fisher moved; seconded by Council Member Humpal that the Mayor’s appointment of Jason Speltz to fill the unexpired term of Ward 3 councilmember be approved. Ayes – Fisher, Humpal, Daly, Denner. Nays – None. Absent – McDonald. Motion carried.

Speltz then recited the Oath of Office and participated as councilmember the remainder of the meeting.

Public Works Director Mai presented a revised fee schedule. Mai is requesting fee increases and is also suggesting removing all fees that are integrated into the City Code be deleted and referenced to a separate ‘fee schedule’. The council discussed all the proposed increases, specifically the septic hauler permit fees and sidewalk removal fees. Council Member Denner moved, seconded by Council Member Fisher that the Ordinance for AMENDING THE CITY OF NEW HAMPTON FEE SCHEDULE, receive its first consideration, be approved. Ayes – Fisher, Humpal, Speltz, Daly, Denner. Nays – None. Absent – McDonald. Motion carried.
Mayor Schwickerath directed the proposed ordinance be on the next regularly scheduled council meeting on June 6, 2022 for its second consideration.
NHHS instructor, Jamie Ohrt and New Hampton High School students presented the “Courtyard Project”. The students have planned, developed and are implemented changes in the courtyard area by the high school. They shared their slideshow and answered questions from the council. They are not requesting funds, but would not refuse any donations.

The TRIBE Trail committee would like the council’s approval to sign a Memo of Understanding for assistance in grant writing services with INRCOG. This is similar to other requests made for grant writing assistance. Council Member Fisher moved seconded by Council Member Humpal; To approve and direct Mayor Schwickerath to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with INRCOG for grant writing assistance for the TRIBE Trail Phase 3, be approved. Ayes – Five. Nays – None. Absent – McDonald. Motion carried.

Police Chief Nosbisch would like to advertise to hire help for the July 29th RAGBRAI event. Nosbisch will already be short one officer and is concerned that it will be difficult to find temporary staff. Council Member Daly moved seconded by Council Member Fisher; To approve and direct Police Chief Nosbisch to advertise for temporary staff to assist with the July 29, 2022 RAGBRAI ride, be approved. Ayes – Five. Nays – None. Absent – McDonald. Motion carried.

Council Member Denner moved, seconded by Council Member Humpal; To approve the liquor licenses for the New Horizon Chamber for the Heartland Days celebration on June 10th-11th, 2022 and RAGBRAI on July 29, 2022, be approved. Ayes – Four. Nays – None. Absent – McDonald. Abstain – Speltz. Motion carried.

Moved by Fisher Seconded by Denner That the appointment of Council Member Kalista Daly to the Finance Committee, effective immediately, be approved. Ayes – Four. Nays – None. Absent – McDonald. Abstain – Daly. Motion carried.


GENERAL $561,829.57 $193,165.43
ROAD USE TAX $55,061.80 $46,644.58
SPECIAL REV/EMPLOYEE BEN $150,957.21 $58,258.42
LOCAL OPTION TAX $36,980.50 $0.00
HOTEL/ MOTEL TAX $0.00 $1,500.00
DEBT SERVICE $60,148.04 $170,357.75
CAPITAL PROJECTS $36,182.74 $21,384.07
WATER UTILITY $40,709.64 $34,408.27
SEWER UTILITY $46,831.77 $86,336.66
WASTEWATER PROJECT $5,895.00 $0.00
SOLID WASTE $12,213.36 $11,582.85
CUSTOMER DEPOSITS $1,023.00 $627.00
TRUST & AGENCY $744.00 $0.00
TOTAL $1,104,176.37 $624,300.03

Moved by Denner, seconded by Daly; That the Finance Reports for April, 2022 be approved. Ayes – Five. Nays – None. Absent – McDonald. Motion carried.

Moved by Daly, seconded by Fisher; that the minutes and correspondence be accepted and placed on file.
Fire Dept Minutes 5-2-2022
Committee as a Whole 5-2-2022
Park & Rec Board 5-4-2022
Ayes – Five. Nays – None. Absent – McDonald. Motion carried.

Police Chief Nosbisch shared with the council that Phase 1 of the Feasibility Study for a new law enforcement center has begun. He will keep the council informed as the plan progresses.

Mayor Schwickerath reminded the council that the results from the Feasibility Study regarding ambulance service will be presented Tuesday evening at 5:30 pm in the Chickasaw Event Center.

Councilmember Daly informed the council that New Hampton High School has approved a Bowling Team for NHHS students.

Moved by Speltz, seconded by Daly; that the meeting adjourn at 8:05 p.m. Ayes – Five. Nays – None. Absent – McDonald. Motion carried.



ATTEST: Karen Clemens, City Clerk

Robert Schwickerath, Mayor