City Council Minutes | May 18, 2020

May 18, 2020 7:00 pm


The City Council of the City of New Hampton met in regular session utilizing with the Mayor and City Clerk in attendance at city hall on Monday, May 18, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Schwickerath at 7:00 p.m. Council members present on were McDonald, Perkins, Boos, Denner, Diiro and Kuhn. Also in attendance via were Jr. Mai, Zachary Nosbisch, Tammy Robinson, Tara Hackman, Rick Kramer, Evan Hulbert and City Attorney Kevin Kennedy were also present.

Moved by Perkins, seconded by Diiro; The agenda be approved as presented. Roll Call: Ayes- McDonald, Perkins, Boos, Denner, Diiro and Kuhn. Nays – None. Motion carried.

Moved by Diiro, seconded by McDonald; That the minutes of the May 4, 2020 regular Council meeting, be approved. Roll Call : Ayes- McDonald, Perkins, Boos, Denner, Diiro and Kuhn. Nays – None. Motion carried.

Moved by Perkins, seconded by Kuhn; That claims in the amount of $102,131.92 be approved. Roll Call: Ayes- McDonald, Perkins, Boos, Denner, Diiro and Kuhn. Nays – None. Motion carried.

Mayor Schwickerath announced now is the time and place fixed for the public hearing to receive public comment with regard to the amendment of the current budget of the City of New Hampton for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020. The Council investigated and found that the time and the place of the hearing had in accordance with the law and as directed by the City Council been published in the New Hampton Tribune on the 5th day of May, 2019 in New Hampton in the County of Chickasaw. Mayor Schwickerath asked for oral comments. There were none. Mayor Schwickerath asked for written comments. There were none. Mayor Schwickerath declared the hearing closed.

Moved by Diiro, seconded by Denner; That Resolution No. 6427 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CURRENT CITY BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2020, be approved. Roll Call: Ayes- McDonald, Perkins, Boos, Denner, Diiro, Kuhn. Nays – None. Resolution approved.

Mayor Schwickerath announced now is the time and place fixed for the public hearing to receive public comment with regard to accepting bids for the sale of real estate. The property is described as follows: All that part of the South One-Half of Wilson Street west of its westerly intersection with Western Avenue and between Blocks Two and Five of West View Addition. The Council investigated and found that the time and the place of the hearing had in accordance with the law and as directed by the City Council been published in the New Hampton Tribune on the 12th day of May, 2020 in New Hampton in the County of Chickasaw.

Mayor Schwickerath asked for oral comments. There were none. Mayor Schwickerath asked for written comments. There were none. Mayor Schwickerath declared the hearing closed.

Bids received:
Evan Hulbert $2,500.00

Moved by McDonald, seconded by Perkins; That Resolution No. 6428 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF EVAN HULBERT IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,500.00 FOR THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF WILSON STREET WEST OF ITS WESTERLY INTERSECTION WITH WESTERN AVENUE AND BETWEEN BLOCK TWO AND FIVE OF WEST VIEW ADDITION, be approved. Roll Call : Ayes- McDonald, Perkins, Boos, Denner, Diiro and Kuhn. Nays – None. Resolution approved.

Moved by Perkins, seconded by Boos; That an Ordinance #876 entitled “AN ORDINANCE DEFINING A SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM AND INCLUDING A SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM AS A SPECIAL EXCEPTION IN AN A-1 ZONING DISTRICT” receive its third and final consideration. Roll Call : Ayes- McDonald, Perkins, Boos, Denner, Diiro and Kuhn. Nays – None. Mayor Schwickerath ordered Ordinance #876 adopted.

Mayor Schwickerath requested the Water Tower Project discussion be tabled until Water Operator Jerry Heying is in attendance.

The council addressed the issue of installing tile lines on the Nick and Lindsay Valentini property. Mayor Schwickerath reported that the option of connecting the new drainage tile to the existing storm water infrastructure was not possible. Bachman Farm Drainage provided an updated bid for the tile work; the new quote is $35,190.40. Jr Mai requests that two manholes be installed and they are approximately $5,000 each. Council members were concerned that tile line was not beneficial to the City of New Hampton and the project was increasing in cost each week. Council members also wanted to make sure the City of New Hampton had an appropriate easement on the property for future maintenance. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the most cost effective way to improve the storm water flow. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Perkins; To Approve the Bachman Farm Drainage & Excavating quote for the proposed drainage tile project for the Sunrise and Sunset cul-de-sac’s and Mikkleson Park storm water including installing two manholes and the City of New Hampton retains an easement on the property. Roll Call – Ayes – McDonald, Perkins, Kuhn. Nays – Boos, Denner. Abstain – Diiro. Motion carried.

Jerry Heying addressed the council about the improvements needed at the west water tower. No bids were received for the project. Heying requested the issue be tabled until the June 1, 2020 council meeting.

Police Chief Nosbisch requested the council approve a resolution from the US Department of Agriculture to apply for financial assistance. Moved by Denner, seconded by Boos; That Resolution #6429 A RESOLUTION TO APPLY FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE WITH THE UNITED STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, be approved. Roll Call : Ayes- McDonald, Perkins, Boos, Denner, Diiro and Kuhn. Nays – None. Resolution approved.

The Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors has appointed Jacob Hackman, a Chickasaw County resident living inside the 2-mile zone of New Hampton, to the Board of Adjustment to fill the unexpired term of Dee Boeding. This term will expire June 30, 2020 and he will need to be reappointed by the Board of Supervisors for an additional term effective July 1, 2020. According to the City Code and Iowa State Law, the Board of Supervisors appoints 2 county residents who live the 2-mile zone to the Board of Adjustment. Councilman Perkins does not agree with the Board of Supervisors choice of appointment of Jake Hackman to the Board of Adjustment and requested the minutes reflect his opinion.


Fund Received Disbursed
GENERAL $507,094.23 $142,377.71
ROAD USE TAX $41,588.31 $35,913.50
SPECIAL REV/EMPLOYEE BEN $140,532.68 $31,479.99
LOCAL OPTION TAX $28,143.33 $0.00
DEBT SERVICE $85,080.35 $158,843.75
CAPITAL PROJECTS $220,712.98 $7,730.00
WATER UTILITY $27,538.70 $29,402.32
SEWER UTILITY $199,761.64 $81,246.30
SOLID WASTE $65,690.49 $9,509.22
CUSTOMER DEPOSITS $1,158.00 $470.00
TRUST & AGENCY $190.68 $0.00
TOTAL $1,371,013.25 $498,763.97


Moved by Perkins, seconded by McDonald; That the Finance Reports for April, 2020, be approved.

Roll Call: Ayes- McDonald, Perkins, Boos, Denner, Diiro and Kuhn. Nays – None. Motion carried.

Economic Development Tammy Robinson explained that in the Advisory Board minutes the board approved a $5,000 grant for Megan Anderson who is opening a new business, The Hair Room and The Cotton Market.

Moved by Kuhn, seconded by Perkins; That the following be accepted and placed on file.

  1. Advisory Board Minutes of May 6, 2020
  2. Wastewater Committee Minutes of April 30, 2020
  3. Park & Rec Minutes of May 6, 2020
  4. Airport Minutes of March 9, 2020

Roll Call: Ayes – McDonald, Perkins, Boos, Denner Diiro, Kuhn. Nays – None. Motion carried.

Moved by Kuhn, seconded by Diiro; That the meeting adjourn at 8:12 p.m. Roll Call: Ayes- McDonald, Perkins, Boos, Denner, Diiro, Kuhn. Nays-None. Motion carried.