City Council Minutes | May 6, 2024

Council Chambers
May 6, 2024 7:00 pm


The City Council of the City of New Hampton met in regular session in the Council Chambers at 112 East Spring Street, New Hampton Iowa at 7:00 p.m. Monday, May 6, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Geerts at 7:00 p.m. Council members present were Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner and Fisher.  Also in attendance were Interim Police Chief Chad McGee, Casey Mai, Tammy Robinson, Bob Fenske from the NH Tribune and over 50 concerned citizens.


Approve meeting agenda:

  1. Approve meeting agenda
  2. Approve City Council Minutes on April 15, 2024.
  3. Approve City Claims of $243,700.80
  4. Cemetery Minutes of April 9 & 19, 204
  5. Chickasaw County EMS Funding Waiver Letter
  6. Committee As A Whole minutes of April 22 & April 29, 2024
  7. J&M Display Agreement (Heartland Days Fireworks)
  8. Kindness Square Ribbon Cutting Street Closure Request
  9. Class E Retail Alcohol License: New Hampton Mart, 17 W Main Street
  10. Resignation Letter of Interim Chief Doug Eagan



Moved by Larsen, seconded by Speltz; that the consent agenda be approved as presented.  Ayes – Six. Nays – None. Absent – None.  Motion carried.


Mayor Steve Geerts welcomed all guests and allowed public comment for anyone in attendance.  Resident Danielle Tiemessen presented a petition to the Mayor/City Council regarding the resignation of Police Chief Tim Pederson.

Residents Jeremy McGrath and Dawn Larson spoke in support of Pederson.



Mayor Geerts announced now is the time and place fixed for the public hearing on the proposed Fiscal Year Budget Amendment beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024.  The Council investigated and found that the time and the place of the hearing had in accordance with the law and as directed by the City Council been published in the New Hampton Tribune on the 25th day of April 2024 in New Hampton in the County of Chickasaw.  Mayor Geerts asked for oral comments.  There was none. Mayor Geerts asked for written comments.  There were none. Mayor Geerts declared the hearing closed.  Moved by Denner; seconded by Porath; That Resolution No. 6627 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 BUDGET AMENDMENT, be approved.  Ayes – Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner and Fisher. Nays – None.  Absent – None.  Resolution approved.


Chickasaw Event Center (CEC) Board Member Chip Schwickerath shared with the Council plans to discontinue the Chickasaw Chassis service May 22, 2024.  Schwickerath stated that after careful consideration of various factors such as funding constraints and operational challenges, it is no longer feasible to sustain this service.  Resident Sharon Trewin shared her concerns regarding the discontinuance of the service and how it will affect senior citizens and the youth of our community to travel to needed locations.  Schwickerath did request that the City Council update the current 28E Agreement and continue the $10,000 funding of the CEC despite discontinuing the chassis service.  City Clerk Karen Clemens informed the council that the FY2025 Budget includes a $10,000 contribution to the CEC. Move by Humpal, seconded by Larsen; To amend the 28E Agreement with the Chickasaw Event Center regarding the discontinuance of the Chickasaw Chassis, the City Council finds a public purpose in supporting the Chickasaw Event Center with a contribution in FY2025 of $10,000. Ayes – Six.  Nays – None.  Absent – None.  Motion Carried.


Rose Phillips with INRCOG shared with the Council the status of the housing grants. There are 5 resolutions that need to be approved by the City Council to proceed with the housing grant program with INRCOG.


Moved by Fisher, seconded by Speltz; That Resolution No. 6628 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN OWNER OCCUPIED REHABILITATION CONTRACT FOR CONCRETE WORK TO BRIAN TANK MASONRY LLC FOR PROJECT #1 OF THE NEW HAMPTON PRESERVATION GRANT (HPG) PROGRAM be approved.  Ayes – Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner, Fisher. Nays – None.  Absent – None.  Resolution approved.


Moved by Fisher, seconded by Larsen; That Resolution No. 6629 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN OWNER OCCUPIED REHABILITATION CONTRACT FOR CONCRETE WORK TO DAN SUMNER CONSTRUCTION FOR PROJECT #1 OF THE NEW HAMPTON PRESERVATION GRANT (HPG) PROGRAM be approved. Ayes – Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner, Fisher. Nays – None.  Absent – None.  Resolution approved.


Moved by Fisher, seconded by Humpal; That Resolution No. 6630 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN OWNER OCCUPIED REHABILITATION CONTRACT FOR CONCRETE WORK TO ALL STAR CONSTRUCTION FOR PROJECT #3 OF THE NEW HAMPTON PRESERVATION GRANT (HPG) PROGRAM be approved. Ayes – Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner, Fisher. Nays – None.  Absent – None.  Resolution approved.


Moved by Porath, seconded by Fisher; That Resolution No. 6631 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN OWNER OCCUPIED REHABILITATION CONTRACT FOR CONCRETE WORK TO MIC’S PLUMBING AND HEATING, INC FOR PROJECT #4 OF THE NEW HAMPTON PRESERVATION GRANT (HPG) PROGRAM be approved. Ayes – Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner, Fisher. Nays – None.  Absent – None.  Resolution approved.


Moved by Porath, seconded by Fisher; That Resolution No. 6632 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN OWNER OCCUPIED REHABILITATION CONTRACT FOR CONCRETE WORK TO L&C BUILDERS LLC FOR PROJECT #4 OF THE NEW HAMPTON PRESERVATION GRANT (HPG) PROGRAM be approved. Ayes – Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner, Fisher. Nays – None.  Absent – None.  Resolution approved.


The update for the codification of the City Code is nearing completion and staff is requesting the public hearing be set for the next regularly scheduled city council meeting on May 20, 2024 for public input.  Moved by Denner, seconded by Porath; That Resolution NO. 6633  A RESOLUTION SETTING A DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ANDPUBLIC COMMENTS FOR THE NEW HAMPTON CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR MAY 20, 2024 AT 7:00 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS IN NEW HAMPTON, IOWA, be approved. Ayes – Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner, Fisher. Nays – None.  Absent – None.  Resolution approved.


Mayor Steve Geerts shared with the Council the selection committee for the police chief position.  Geerts has requested Mindy Humpal, Kalista Porath, Deb Larsen, Superintendent Jay Jurrens, Consultant Jon Thomas and City Attorney Todd Prichard to be on the committee.  Interviews for the Police Chief position will be held in the upcoming week.


As a result of the Police Department being short staffed, it is necessary to add On Call Pay for police officers.

Moved by Larsen, seconded by Speltz; That Resolution NO. 6634 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING $15.00 PER HOUR RATE OF PAY FOR POLICE OFFICERS FOR THE CITY OF NEW HAMPTON, be approved. Ayes – Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner, Fisher. Nays – None.  Absent – None.  Resolution approved.


City Attorney Todd Prichard presented information to the City Council from consultant Jon Thomas explaining that a conflict exists between the responsibilities and rights afforded to the position of Sergeant through the New Hampton Police Department General Orders and the Code of Iowa.   The inclusion of the sergeant employee classification within the collective bargaining unit currently is a direct violation of the Code of Iowa, specifically Chapter 20.4. After discussion it was moved by Porath, seconded by Fisher; that Resolution No. 6635 A RESOLUTION TO NOT RETAIN THE POSITION OF SERGEANT WITHIN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, be approved.  Ayes – Humpal, Larsen, Porath, Speltz, Denner, Fisher. Nays – None.  Absent – None.  Resolution approved.  Prichard informed the council that the Police Department’s Sergeant is currently on medical leave and the change will become effective upon the sergeants return to work.


Public Works Director Casey Mai explained his concerns regarding storm water from the west industrial park that is impacting the neighboring property owner’s land.  The issue needs to be addressed and a solution found to alleviate the damage that the storm water runoff is causing.  Initial estimates of creating a retention pond are $350,000 – $450,000.  Mai will continue to work on this and include all the industries in the discussion to find an equitable solution.


Public Works Director Casey Mai updated the Council on the Lead / Copper Line survey; to date 955 surveys have been completed; only 56% of the residents have completed the survey.  Mai and his staff will continue to reach out to residents to complete the survey by the required completion date of October 16, 2024.


Moved by Humpal, seconded by Porath; that the meeting adjourn at 8:07 p.m. Ayes – Six. Nays – None. Absent – None.  Motion carried.



ATTEST: Karen Clemens, City Clerk

Steve Geerts, Mayor