City Council Minutes | November 16, 2020

November 16, 2020 7:00 pm


The City Council of the City of New Hampton met in regular session on at 7:00 p.m. Monday, November 16, 2020. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Schwickerath at 7:00 p.m. Council members present via were Boos, Denner, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald and Perkins. Also in attendance via were Zach Nosbisch, Eric Kuehn, Rick Kramer, Jeff Bernatz, Tim Angell, Bob Fenske, Stephanie Mashek, Archie Trower, Al Papousek, Jeremy McGrath, Brannon Anderson and City Attorney Kevin Kennedy.

Moved by Kuhn, seconded by Perkins; The agenda be approved as presented. Ayes- Boos, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald, Perkins. Nays – None. Absent –None. Motion carried.

Moved by McDonald, seconded by Diiro; That the minutes of the November 2, 2020 regular Council meeting, be approved Ayes- Boos, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald, Perkins. Nays – None. Absent –None. Motion carried.

Moved by Denner, seconded by Perkins; That claims in the amount of $109,808.17 be approved. Ayes- Boos, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald, Perkins. Nays – None. Absent –None. Motion carried.

Moved by Kuhn, seconded by Boos; That an Ordinance entitled ‘AN ORDINANCE AMENDING REGULATIONS FOR DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDINGS’ receive its third and final consideration Ayes- Boos, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald, Perkins. Nays – None. Absent –None. Mayor Schwickerath ordered Ordinance #877 duly adopted.

New Hampton Community School District Superintendant Jay Jurrens has informed the council that there needs to be a modification to the proposed light color, according to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), red lights are not permissible. The council is proceeding with the addition of the school stop location, regardless of light color. Moved by Denner, seconded by Kuhn; That an Ordinance entitles “AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SCHOOL STOPS” receive its first consideration. Ayes- Boos, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald, Perkins. Nays – None. Absent –None. Mayor Schwickerath ordered the item be on the agenda at the next regular council meeting for its second consideration.

New Hampton Park & Rec Director Rick Kramer requested that the council change the City of New Hampton Ordinance that specifies the number of members on the Park and Recreation Board of Commissioners. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Denner; That AN ORDINANCE REDUCING MEMBERSHIP ON THE BOARD OF PARK AND REC COMMISSIONERS, receive its second consideration. Ayes – Boos, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald, Perkins. Nays – None. Absent –None. Mayor Schwickerath ordered the item be on the agenda at the next regular council meeting for its second consideration.

The Council discussed the possibility of amending the city ordinance changing the number city council members. City Attorney Kevin Kennedy explained that process to change will require a petition of 25% of city residents and a special election. No action was taken.

Moved by Perkins, seconded by Diiro; That the Annual Financial Report for FY2020, be approved. Ayes – Boos, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald, Perkins. Nays – None. Absent –None. Motion carried.

Police Chief Zachary Nosbisch presented a proposal to amend the city ordinance as it applies to section 39A regarding Golf Carts and Utility Vehicles. Nosbisch suggested making changes on three items in the ordinance:
Revise Section 39A.3 Operations on Streets, 39A4(5) Regulations for Use and 39A.5 Permit. Several residents asked questions about the proposal. Moved by Perkins, seconded by Kuhn; To direct City Attorney Kevin Kennedy to draft an ordinance change for Section 39A GOLF CARTS AND UTILITY VEHICLES AND TO APPROVE THE FIRST READING OF THE ORDNANCE CHANGE. Ayes – Boos, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald, Perkins. Nays – None. Absent –None. Mayor Schwickerath ordered the item be n the agenda at the next regular council meeting for its second consideration.

Mayor Schwickerath has made an offer to applicant Casey Mai for the Director of Public Works position, the offer did not include a salary amount. As of the meeting time, the Mayor has not received a response. There was discussion that the job description needs to be addressed so the Director of Public Works is differentiated from the Street Supervisor. Moved by Perkins, seconded by McDonald; To prepare an offer to Casey Mai for a salary of $71,000 and an allowance of $2,500 in moving expenses. Ayes – Boos, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald, Perkins. Nays – None. Absent –None. Motion carried.

City Clerk presented the City of New Hampton Investment Policy. It is recommended that the City Council review the policy every two years. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Kuhn; That the City of New Hampton Investment Policy, be approved. Ayes – Boos, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald, Perkins. Nays – None. Absent –None. Motion carried.

Lee and Lisa Pool, representing Little Light of Mine Christmas Light Display has requested the council approve their request to shoot fireworks from Mikkelson Park on December 19, 2020 at 5:00 pm (Rain date of December 20, 2020). Moved by Perkins, Seconded by Denner; That the permit for a fireworks display at Mikkelson park on December 19, 2020 pm (Rain date of December 20, 2020) for Little Light of Mine, be approved. Ayes – Boos, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald, Perkins. Nays – None. Absent –None. Motion carried.

Moved by Kuhn, seconded by Boos; To accept the resignation of Steve Murray from the Park & Rec Commission and the New Hampton Tree Board. Ayes – Boos, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald, Perkins. Nays – None. Absent –None. Motion carried.

City Clerk Karen Clemens requested the council amend Resolution No. 6443 which approved the reimbursement of COVI19 related expenses. An additional statement regarding the acceptance of funds needed to be added to the existing resolution. Moved by Denner, seconded by Boos; to AMEND RESOLUTION 6443 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING REIMBURSEMENT FROM THE IOWA COVID19 GOVERNMENT RELIEF FUND, be approved. Ayes – Boos, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald, Perkins. Nays – None. Absent –None. Resolution approved.

The Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors is requesting an extension of the existing agreement between the City of New Hampton and Chickasaw County for the storage of new communication equipment that will be used in the communications system they are building county-wide. The proposed schedule of completion is delayed for several months. The BOS does not know when the communications equipment will be moved from the New Hampton Fire Station. The existing agreement expires on December 31, 2020. The Council approves of extending the agreement, pending the approval of Toby Schwickerath, New Hampton Fire Chief. Moved by Diiro, seconded by Kuhn; To approve the agreement of Storage of Radio Communications Equipment at the New Hampton Fire Station, pending approval of New Hampton Fire Chief. Ayes – Boos, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald. Nays – Denner, Perkins. Absent – None. Motion carried.

Moved by McDonald, seconded by Boos; That the application for liquor license #WBN000647 for Pocketful of Posies at 24 East Main Street, be approved. Ayes – Boos, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald, Perkins. Nays – None. Absent –None. Motion carried.


Fund Received Disbursed
GENERAL $584,058.75 $123,615.88
ROAD USE TAX $31,482.61 $22,593.90
SPECIAL REV/EMPLOYEE BEN $242,619.58 $21,866.38
LOCAL OPTION TAX $37,606.99 $0.00
HOTEL/ MOTEL TAX $0.00 $3,000.00
TIF- COMM PROJECT $0.00 $0.00
DEBT SERVICE $66,649.59 $21,663.00
CAPITAL PROJECTS $3,944.25 $85,535.55
WATER UTILITY $28,950.93 $16,889.54
SEWER UTILITY $51,738.91 $57,840.87
SOLID WASTE $10,026.72 $0.00
CUSTOMER DEPOSITS $2,040.00 $4,275.00
TRUST & AGENCY $178.00 $0.00
TOTAL $1,158,987.95 $358,731.54

Moved by Kuhn, seconded by Perkins; That the Finance Reports for October, 2020, be approved. Ayes – Boos, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald, Perkins. Nays – None. Absent –None. Motion carried.

Moved by Denner, seconded by Boos; That the following minutes be accepted and placed on file, Ayes – Boos, Denner, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald, Perkins. Nays – none. Absent – None. Motion carried.

  1. Park & Rec Minutes of November 11, 2020
  2. Committee As a Whole Minutes of November 12. 2020

Moved by Perkins, seconded by Denner; That the meeting adjourn at 7:53 p.m. Ayes – Boos, Denner, Diiro, Kuhn, McDonald, Perkins. Nays – none. Absent – None. Motion carried.