City Council Minutes | October 4, 2021

Council Chambers
October 4, 2021 7:00 pm


The City Council of the City of New Hampton met in regular session in the Council Chambers at 112 East Spring Street, New Hampton Iowa at 7:00 p.m. Monday, October 4, 2021. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Schwickerath at 7:00 p.m. Council members present were Denner, Diiro, Fisher, McDonald, Perkins, Boos.  Also in attendance were Casey Mai, Tammy Robinson, Mindy Humpal, Lee and Lisa Pool, Mark Andera, Nick Jurgenson, Toby Schwickerath, Troy Larson w/Imperial Roofing Systems, several NHHS government class students and City Attorney Todd Prichard


Moved by Diiro, seconded by Perkins; that the agenda be approved as presented. Ayes-Six. Nays-None. Absent–None.  Motion carried.


Moved by Perkins, seconded by Denner; That the minutes of the regular council meeting of September 20, 2021, be approved. Ayes-Six. Nays-None. Absent–None.  Motion carried.


Moved by Boos, seconded by Denner; That the claims in the amount of $65,890.64 be approved. Ayes-Six. Nays-None. Absent–None.  Motion carried.


Fire Department Chief Toby Schwickerath updated the council on the expenses he is planning on submitting to CP Railroad as a result of assisting with the railroad derailment on August 28, 2021.  Schwickerath is requesting the council allow those reimbursed expenses be amended back into the fire departments FY20-21 budget.  Moved by McDonald, seconded by Fisher; That the request of the New Hampton Fire Department to amend the FY2021-2022 budget for expenses incurred for the CP Railroad derailment, be approved. Ayes-Six. Nays-None. Absent–None.  Motion carried.


City Clerk Karen Clemens sent out a second RFP for repair/replacement of the Community Center roofs.  Bids were accepted until Friday, October 1, 2021. Bids received were:


Name:                                                    Repair Bid:            Replacement Bid:

Imperial Roof Systems       Roof A    no bid                     $25,085

Roof B    $2,155                   $30,378

Roof C   $1,956                   $30,200

Roof D   no bid                     $9,486



Troy Larsen, a representative from Imperial Roof Systems, explained their bid.  The Council discussed replacing all four roofs based on the projected remaining life of the roofs if they were only repaired. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Boos: That Resolution No. 6487 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMMUNITY CENTER ROOF REPLACEMENT BID FROM IMPERIAL SYSTEMS CO IN THE AMOUNT OF $95,149 LESS A 4% DISCOUNT Ayes – Denner, Diiro, Fisher, McDonald, Perkins, Boos.  Nays – None. Resolution approved.


Moved by Perkins, seconded by Denner; That the 2020-2021 Annual Urban Renewal Report be approved and forwarded to the State of Iowa.  Ayes-Six. Nays-None. Absent–None.  Motion carried


Lee Pool, representing Little Light of Mine, requested the closure of the two north entrances into Mikkelson Park for their holiday celebration on December 3 and 4, 2021.  Moved by Denner, seconded by Boos; that the request of Little Light of Mine to close the two north entrances from Hwy 24 to Mikkelson Park from 4:00 pm – 9:00 pm on December 3rd and 4th  and allow no parking inside Mikkelson Park near the swimming pool and baseball dugout, be approved. Ayes-Six. Nays-None. Absent–None.  Motion carried



DEPOSITORY NAME                            HOME OFFICE                          IN EFFECT

First Citizens National Bank                    Mason City, Iowa                       $7,000,000

Fidelity Bank and Trust                          Dubuque, Iowa                          $7,000,000

Luana Savings Bank                              Luana, Iowa                               $7,000,000

Bank Iowa                                             West Des Moines, Iowa             $7,000,000

Security State Bank                               Sutherland, Iowa                        $7,000,000


Moved by Diiro, seconded by Perkins; that Resolution No. 6488 A RESOLUTION NAMING DEPOSITORIES FOR THE CITY OF NEW HAMPTON, be approved.  Ayes – Denner, Diiro, Fisher, McDonald, Perkins, Boos

Nays-None.  Absent – None.  Resolution approved.


City Attorney Todd Prichard reported that the Board of Adjustment approved the variance request meeting with Bonnie Keller, property owner at 248 South Locust.


Moved by Perkins, seconded by Denner; That the minutes and correspondence be accepted and placed on file.  Ayes-Six. Nays-None. Absent–None.  Motion carried.


Airport Minutes of September 13, 2021

Cemetery Minutes of September 22, 2021


Moved by McDonald, seconded by Fisher; that the meeting adjourn at 7:47 p.m. Ayes-Six. Nays-None. Absent–None.  Motion carried.




ATTEST: Karen Clemens, City Clerk

Robert Schwickerath, Mayor